I have two predicates:
After running foo, How can I run bar with all possibilities of Y ?
foo(Y, key) % all possibilities of Y => chat
% faq
% about
% search
How can I run bar with these all possibilities ?
bar(chat, Z)
bar(faq, Z)
bar(about, Z)
bar(serach, Z)
And then store all the results of Z
in a list Zs
allZs(X, Zs) :-
setof(Y, foo(Y, X), Ys),
maplist(bar, Ys, Zs).
related SWI-Prolog man pages: Finding all Solutions to a Goal and library apply
Note: usually in Prolog the convention is to put intput arguments before output ones - in your first predicate that'd mean foo(X, Y)
instead of foo(Y, X)
. Plus here it'd outline the transitivity: foo(X, Y), bar(Y, Z).