I want to reset the "checked" property of all TAction objects of a ribbon to false when clicking on any ribbon button and then only set it true on the pressed button. But I did not yet find a way to access all the "checked" properties of the ActionManager's Actions. I think I need to loop through the actionmanager's actionlist... however, but I did not yet find the right way to do. I'd be very glad if someone could give me some hint on this.
descends from TCustomActionList
, so whatever you can do with the latter, you can do with the former. It has two properties you'll need to use, Actions
, which is the array property that gives you access to all the list's actions, and ActionCount
, which tells you how many there are. Use them to write an ordinary loop, like this:
i: Integer;
Contained: TContainedAction;
Action: TCustomAction;
for i := 0 to Pred(ActionList.ActionCount) do begin
Contained := ActionList[i]; // shorthand for ActionList.Actions[i]
if not (Contained is TCustomAction) then
continue; // Doesn't have Checked property
Action := TCustomAction(Contained);
Action.Checked := False;
Action lists can hold lots of kinds of actions, and they don't all have Checked
properties. That property is introduced in TCustomAction
, so the code above also filters out the things that don't descend from that class.