At every button click I want to be able to make "visible" 4 textboxes and 4 labels. I am not sure how to do this using VBA code.
Here is what I have tried out so far: There are no errors produced but I do not know how to proceede from here.
Private Sub Command36_Click()
Static Counter As Integer
Dim Name As String
Dim Name2 As String
Dim Count As Integer
Counter = Counter + 1
Name = "Label" & Counter
Name2 = "Text" & Counter
Command36.Caption = Name & Name2
For Count = 1 To Count = Counter
Microsoft Access Forms, VBS
I think you mean:
Private Sub Command36_Click()
Dim Name As String
Dim Name2 As String
Dim Count As Integer
For Count = 1 To 4
Name = "Label" & Counter
Name2 = "Text" & Counter
Command36.Caption = Name & Name2
End Sub
I do not quite see what is the point of the above.
This might be of more use, if, as you say, you want to make something visible:
For Count = 1 To 4
Name1 = "Label" & Counter
Name2 = "Text" & Counter
Me(Name1).Visible = True
Me(Name2).Visible = True
Do yourself a favour and make sure you give controls "real" names, not Command36, but something like cmdShowLabel