
What's so bad about Template Haskell?

It seems that Template Haskell is often viewed by the Haskell community as an unfortunate convenience. It's hard to put into words exactly what I have observed in this regard, but consider these few examples

I've seen various blog posts where people do pretty neat stuff with Template Haskell, enabling prettier syntax that simply wouldn't be possible in regular Haskell, as well as tremendous boilerplate reduction. So why is it that Template Haskell is looked down upon in this way? What makes it undesirable? Under what circumstances should Template Haskell be avoided, and why?


  • One reason for avoiding Template Haskell is that it as a whole isn't type-safe, at all, thus going against much of "the spirit of Haskell." Here are some examples of this:

    TH is also outright dangerous:

    Then there are some problems that make TH functions less fun to use as a library developer:

    Finally, there are some things that make TH functions less fun to use as an end-user: