
XCode is very slow to suggest autocompletion

When I code in Xcode on my MacBook Pro at work, autosuggestions seem to take 6-8 seconds. On my MacBook Air at home, they appear instantly.

Is there any reason for this? I don't see anything in Xcode's preferences that would cause this: Xcode Preferences screengrab

Any ideas here?


  • I have a shiny new iMac at work for development. It's an i7 proc, 8 GB memory. Indexing (and the things that go with it, like code sense or quick documentation) was taking a very long time (5 minutes for ~600 files). So was compilation.

    The culprit turned out to be the corporate antivirus' on-access scan. I disabled on-access scanning and indexing dropped to around 5 seconds for the same number of files. Might be worth a shot if you have permissions to change antivirus settings.