
Rails scaffolding pluralisation is incorrect for "cafe"

I want to create a cafe and a cave controller.

When I try to create my cafe using rails scaffolding, via the command

rails g scaffold cafe name:string

It is deriving the plural form of "cafe" as "caves", which means I can't make my caves controller since the name is already used.

How can I make rails use the correct pluralisation?


  • You can create your own inflections.

    Add this to your config/initializers/inflections.rb

        ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
            inflect.plural "cafe", "cafes"

    (Restart your server after making this change. This is not required for the scaffolding command itself but it will be required when you want to actually view/use the code)

    Now when you run rails g scaffold cafe you'll get:

          create      app/views/cafes/index.html.erb
          create      app/views/cafes/edit.html.erb
          create      app/views/cafes/show.html.erb
          create      app/views/cafes/new.html.erb
          create      app/views/cafes/_form.html.erb

    This may help you: