I want to set up my own online compiler. I want to use Ideone API for this, but its API is available in WSDL format. I tried very hard but could find any tutorial on how to extract data from WSDL. Please tell some way to use Ideone API.
Maybe a late answer but still may be useful for others. Here a simple example in PHP with it's native SOAP libray: http://ideone.com/3JBbt
Regretfully my server doesn't support PHP's SOAP library so I have used NuSOAP in the demo, now you have two ways to work with IDE One API.
Here a simple demo: http://rendon.x10.mx/files/ide1example/
And here is the code: http://rendon.x10.mx/files/ide1example.tar.gz
NOTE: You need provide your own user and password in ideone.php.
$params = array(
'user' => $user, // your user
'pass' => $pass, // your pass
'sourceCode' => $code,
'language' => $lang,
'input' => $input,
'run' => $run,
'private' => $private
For more info about the functions consult the API document: http://ideone.com/files/ideone-api.pdf