I have a google spreadsheet that has data in it like so:
11/3/2000 0.1 0.1673
11/3/2000 0.15 0.1734
11/3/2000 0.2 0.1786
11/3/2000 0.25 0.1834
11/3/2000 0.3 0.1879
11/3/2000 0.35 0.1924
And I am using the google visualization API to plot it. I want to write a query like this:
var queryStr = "SELECT A,C WHERE B=" + delta + " AND A>='2005/04/04' ORDER BY A";
Basically I want to select a date range in the spreadsheet. The above query returns no results, but there is data in the file that satisfies the query. I tried changing it all around and the date format but no results. How do I get it to work?
This is what I wanted:
var queryStr = "SELECT A,C WHERE B=" + delta + " AND date '2005-04-04' < A ORDER BY A";
Google's vast documentation has only one example, but I found it.