
removing the <br/> tag above call for price button using zen cart

In zen cart ,i added prices for some products ,they are displayed well.the problem is i dont give the prices for some products instead of giving prices,i set the call for price option.after setting that button is coming,but its not viewed properly. when i check the inspect element code i see the
tag in price class .how can i delete this br tag, and which file i have to delete .i saw the inspect element code like this ..

    <div class="price">
    <strong><br><img src="includes/templates/template_default/images/call_for_prices.jpg" alt="Call for Price" title=" Call for Price " width="110" height="27"></strong>

i want to delete this br tag before img ,in which file i have to deletet this tag.help me any one.


  • You'll need to edit your


    Find this piece of code (around line 277)

    // If Call for Price, Show it if ($product_check->fields['product_is_call']) { if (PRODUCTS_PRICE_IS_CALL_IMAGE_ON=='0') { $call_tag = '<br />' . PRODUCTS_PRICE_IS_CALL_FOR_PRICE_TEXT; } else { $call_tag = '<br />' . zen_image(DIR_WS_TEMPLATE_IMAGES . OTHER_IMAGE_CALL_FOR_PRICE, PRODUCTS_PRICE_IS_CALL_FOR_PRICE_TEXT); } }

    and remove the br tags so the code looks like this:

    // If Call for Price, Show it
    if ($product_check->fields['product_is_call']) {
      } else {