
Is DWScript thread-safe?

I would like to know if DWScript is capable of using threads inside of scripts, as some engines do not synchronize access to it's internal data structures.


  • Arnaud gave the key points:

    Running multiple executions of a script is similar to having multiple threads in Delphi, though each new execution has not only its own stack (like Delphi threads) but also its own variable space (in Delphi it would be a bit like if you had "thread var" everywhere). And DWScript executions don't have to be in their own thread, they can be moved across threads, or polled and used in a lower number of threads (the only limitation being that each execution is used by only one thread at a time, as mentioned above).

    So nothing prevents you from exposing a function that would spawn a thread (and corresponding execution) in a script function, but communication across the executions wouldn't be via shared variables (like you could be tempted to do in Delphi), but would have to go through your own exposed functions (or external variables), return values (using an "evaluate" approach, cf. the unit tests), "shared" object instances, or "global vars".

    By "global vars", I mean the functions defined in dwsGlobalVarsFunctions.pas, which can be used for inter-execution data exchange. To activate them, just have a "uses dwsGlobalVarsFunctions" somewhere in your project.

    They expose a set of Read/WriteGlobalVar functions, which allow storing and retrieving named variants across all script executions running within the same Delphi process, and those reads & writes are "atomic" from a threading point of view.