I have a small icon that is next to text, the code looks like this:
<div id="photo-info">
<p class="textcenter"><img width="16" height="16"
src="/Images/Icons/info.png" />Photo Info:</p>
<p class="textcenter"> Information text here.</p>
The background of the page is black and the icon white. But when I print the page the text is black with a white background. When printed the white icon does not show, while this is not a huge issue I would like the icon to show when printer. I have another icon that is black that can be printed. How do I switch these when printed?
Note: I could manually insert both images into the page and then use CSS to show and hide the correct icon for screen and print but I am looking for a way that will be automatic and not require me to go back and edit every page that has the code in it.
Another way would be to set the background-image
on the image. So your HTML would be like so.
<img class="small-icon" width="16" height="16" />
And then your CSS would look similar to this.
.small-icon {
background-image: url(path/to/image.png);
You can then apply the background image per stylesheet. That way you have a desktop image specified in the desktop stylesheet, and a print image specified in the print stylesheet.