I struggled with some line-ending problems about 20 commits back and some weird things happened. Now git fsck shows:
Checking object directories 100% (256/256), done.
error in tree ee2060e71cb36d33be5ddc1fe9ca8d7dd0ab35cd: contains duplicate file entries
Checking objects: 100% (8633/8633), done.
and git show ee2060 shows:
This is preventing me from pushing to my remote. git push shows:
error: unpack failed: index-pack abnormal exit
To https://github.com/username/Project.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (n/a (unpacker error))
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/username/Project.git'
I have tried repacking and garbage collecting. How can I resolve this problem?
I finally fixed the repo by doing the following
painstakingly check out commits from the bad repo into the working copy of the new clone
git checkout fe3254FIRSTCOMMITAFTERORIGIN/MASTER/HEAD . // note the dot at the end
// without the dot, you move your head to the commit instead of the commit
// to the working copy, and seems to bring the corrupt object into your good clone
garbage collect + prune
git gc --aggressive --prune=now