
How to use Moment.js?

I'm unable to follow the Moment.js documentation, and need some help with setting it up. I've referenced the moment.min.js file properly on my webpage like so:

<script src="/js/moment.min.js"></script>

Coming to the HTML part of my webpage, I have two different datetime's on the same page:

Published Date

<time class="pubdate" datetime="2012-06-09T12:32:10-04:00" pubdate>
    June 09, 2012

Last Modified Date

<time class="updated" itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2012-06-09T12:32:10-04:00">
    June 9, 2012 ~ 12:32

Important! The relative date parsing shouldn't go beyond "yesterday". As for everything beyond, the <time> tags should display the exact datetime's they would without the JavaScript -- i.e. Moment.js shouldn't touch or parse dates that are past "yesterday".

Now, to make the library do its job as aforementioned, I need to call a function after the library reference. So, the question is, what should the function be? (Using jQuery is fine, as I already reference the library on my webpage.)


  • Please specify your question. I'm assuming you want a relative date parsing and the maximum should be "yesterday".

    I never used moment.js but as far as the docs say, it's pretty simple.

    Use var now = moment(); as your current date. Then parse every time-Tag in your DOM with var time = moment($(e).attr('datetime'));

    To check the difference use the diff() method:

    if(now.diff(time, 'days') <= 1) {
        // getting the relative output

    Use var ago = now.from(time) to get the relative output and replace the time in your DOM with your ago variable.

    Update based on comment:

    Okay, well untested, but that's the basic idea:

    Updated the code.

    var now = moment();
    $('time').each(function(i, e) {
        var time = moment($(e).attr('datetime'));
        if(now.diff(time, 'days') <= 1) {
            $(e).html('<span>' + time.from(now) + '</span>');