I need to run through a List in reverse order using Java.
So where this does it forwards:
for(String string: stringList){
//...do something
Is there some way to iterate the stringList in reverse order using the for each syntax?
For clarity: I know how to iterate a list in reverse order but would like to know (for curiosity's sake ) how to do it in the for each style.
One approach would be to reverse the whole list, but this would have O(n)
performance with respect to its size. Note that the commonly-used Collections.reverse
method actually reverses the original list in place, which may be an undesirable side-effect.
As a more efficient solution, you could write a decorator that presents a reversed view of a List as an Iterable. The iterator returned by your decorator would use the ListIterator of the decorated list to walk over the elements in reverse order.
For example:
public class Reversed<T> implements Iterable<T> {
private final List<T> original;
public Reversed(List<T> original) {
this.original = original;
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
final ListIterator<T> i = original.listIterator(original.size());
return new Iterator<T>() {
public boolean hasNext() { return i.hasPrevious(); }
public T next() { return i.previous(); }
public void remove() { i.remove(); }
public static <T> Reversed<T> reversed(List<T> original) {
return new Reversed<T>(original);
And you would use it like:
import static Reversed.reversed;
List<String> someStrings = getSomeStrings();
for (String s : reversed(someStrings)) {
As per this answer, Java 21 includes an efficient List.reversed()
method which does exactly what is requested.