I was thinking of creating a button for a site, which dynamically creates support pages with the CMS control...blank ones so the don't need to have us create like 12 or more and then deploy and such i had a solution where i would basically copy one of the support pages and rename it and place it in the SitePages folder...so the end result will be that subsequent pages created this way will share the same codebehind file...which eleminates the requirement for a build and compile on each page creation. this works on my local box and on staging...because the codebase there isn't precompiled...on production however, the code is precompiled and thus this solution basically doesn't work...
Does any1 has any idea on how to proceed?
Regards, Gautam
Add control to page dynamically : www.asp.net/web-forms/videos/aspnet-ajax/how-to-dynamically-add-controls-to-a-web-page
Building asp.net pages dynamically : www.codeproject.com/Articles/25573/Building-ASP-NET-Web-Pages-Dynamically-in-the-Code