Can anyone post the steps for integrating mercurial to phped.
I followed the following steps, listed by one member on their forum:
What to do: Creating a Commit Shortcut * Install Mercurial if you have not already. I've installed mine to c:\development\Mercurial\ * Go to PHPEd Settings > Tools > Integration * Create a new menu called "Hg" (or Mercurial or whatever you want to call it) * Create a new Sub Menu called "Hg Commit" * Edit "Hg Commit" with the following settings:
o Execute with "Shell"
o Command line: D:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe commit @Name@ --cwd @Path@
o Check off "Show this command in File Bar popup" (optional)
o Shortcut: CTL-SHIFT-M (or anything you like)
o Check off Redirect Error stream to Log Window and Redirect Output to Window
But when i commit, i get the following error:
Script D:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe commit createXML.php --cwd D:\xampp\htdocs\XML\
Script Failed to run command "D:\Program", error code: 2, system description: "The system cannot find the file specified.
You need to put quotation marks around the path to hg.exe. The space in Program Files is throwing it off and it's only looking for something in D:\Program, which probably doesn't even exist.
Note that I've never used PHPed, so there might be more problems. But that is the one producing the error that you are seeing.