I'm trying to override Rails' "fields_for" method, which I'm currently doing as follows:
module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
alias_method :original_fields_for, :fields_for
def fields_for(<my arguments>)
# Some extra stuff
# ...
output.safe_concat original_fields_for(<my other arguments>)
The functionality works just fine, but I'm starting to suspect that my use of alias_method isn't the most elegant. Most especially, if I were to package this functionality into a gem, and there were another gem that overrode fields_for, am I write in thinking either my new fields_for OR the alternate fields_for would be skipped?
Assuming so, what's the correct way to go about slapping in some extra functionality to an existing rails method?
this seems like exactly the situation that alias_method_chain
is meant for (although I don't know offhand if it will work on a Module - have only used it on AR::Base)
You'd just do
module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
alias_method_chain :fields_for, :honeypot
def fields_for_with_honeypot(<my arguments>)
# Some extra stuff
# ...
output.safe_concat fields_for_without_honeypot(<my other arguments>)
interesting idea to do this to fields_for
, but it should work.
There is a minor controversy around a_m_c you should be aware of - this post sums it up well http://erniemiller.org/2011/02/03/when-to-use-alias_method_chain/
In this case, I don't think you can use super
because you want to monkey-patch form_for without modifying the calling code/views.