i´m trying to render PDF with renderpdf grails plugin, but their documentation is very short.
i made a button in my gsp view/file
<button type="button">PDF Me!</button>
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = pdfRenderingService.render(template: "/pdfs/report", model: [data: data])
in a view for binding images
<rendering:inlinePng bytes="${imageBytes}" class="some-class" />
model data is domainInstance and how do i connect the button with this renderpdf?
may be i should more specify my code
def invoice ={
def vermittlungInstance = Vermittlung.get(params.id)
def aa = vermittlungInstance.lieferungen.id
def lieferungInstance = Lieferung.get(aa)
def bb = lieferungInstance.packete.id // .id
def packetInstance = Packet.findAllByIdInList(bb)
if (!vermittlungInstance & !lieferungInstance) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'vermittlung.label', default: 'Vermittlung'), params.id])}"
redirect(action: "list")
else {
if(vermittlungInstance.rechnungen.id!=null || vermittlungInstance.lieferungen.id!=null || lieferungInstance.packete.id!=null ){
def a = vermittlungInstance.rechnungen.id
def rechnungList = Rechnung.findById(a)
def b = vermittlungInstance.lieferungen.id
def lieferungList = Lieferung.findById(b)
def c = lieferungInstance.packete.id
//println c
def packetList = Packet.findAllByIdInList(c)//findById(c)
def d = packetInstance.artikel.id//id
def artikelList = Artikel.findAllByIdInList(d)//findById(d)
def e = lieferungInstance.adressen.id
def adresseList = Adresse.findById(e)
[vermittlungInstance: vermittlungInstance,
packetInstanceList: packetList,
artikelInstanceList: artikelList,
adresseInstanceList: adresseList
def rechnungList = Rechnung.all
def lieferungList = Lieferung.all
def packetList = Packet.all
def artikelList = Artikel.all
def adresseList = Adresse.all
[vermittlungInstance: vermittlungInstance,
packetInstanceList: packetList,
artikelInstanceList: artikelList,
adresseInstanceList: adresseList
this is my def in a controller, i tried to put this renderpdf on many places, but it won't render the page, actually i am changing some values in html (browser), so it should render in html.
the controller seems to be a wrong place to renderpdf than, but there is no render function for .gsp
Add a new action which generates the pdf version of your invoice and link them from your view.
Here is your link:
<g:link action="downloadInvoice" id="${yourInvoiceID}">Download invoice</g:link>
In your controlle add following:
def downloadInvoice = {
def invoice = Invoice.get(params.id) //replace with your logic
renderPdf(template: '/templates/pdf/invoice', model: [invoice: invoice], filename: "yourTitle")
Your invoice template is a simple gsp view where you could place all your HTML (including images) and CSS:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir:'css',file:'your.css')}" />
<img src="${resource(dir:'images',file:'invoiceLogo.png')}" />
<h1>Invoice: ${invoice.id}</h1>
Hope that example helps!