this lib is kind of awesome to get cpu, ram and other staff. However, i can't figure out, how to get the network speed. that means. how much data is sended and received throw the network-cart in a amount of time? is there a way to give me this data?
is this probably what i am searching for?
Tcp stat = sigar.getTcp();
stat.getInSegs() + " segments received"
stat.getOutSegs() + " segments send out"
if there is no way in sigar, is there a other lib to use?
thank's for help
{DefaultGateway=, PrimaryDns=,SecondaryDns=, DomainName=, HostName=Schneider-PC}
{Name=eth0, Description=WAN Miniport (IPv6), Metric=0, Type=Ethernet,Address=, Mtu=1500, Netmask=, Flags=65,Broadcast=, Hwaddr=34:F8:20:52:41:53, Destination=}
totalrx(download): 4.7K
totaltx(upload): 154
totalrx(download): 1.4K
totaltx(upload): 180
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.hyperic.sigar.NetFlags;
import org.hyperic.sigar.NetInterfaceConfig;
import org.hyperic.sigar.NetInterfaceStat;
import org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar;
import org.hyperic.sigar.SigarException;
* @author Headgrowe
public class NetworkData {
static Map<String, Long> rxCurrentMap = new HashMap<String, Long>();
static Map<String, List<Long>> rxChangeMap = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>();
static Map<String, Long> txCurrentMap = new HashMap<String, Long>();
static Map<String, List<Long>> txChangeMap = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>();
private static Sigar sigar;
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws SigarException
public NetworkData(Sigar s) throws SigarException, InterruptedException {
sigar = s;
public static void main(String[] args) throws SigarException,
InterruptedException {
new NetworkData(new Sigar());
public static String networkInfo() throws SigarException {
String info = sigar.getNetInfo().toString();
info += "\n"+ sigar.getNetInterfaceConfig().toString();
return info;
public static String getDefaultGateway() throws SigarException {
return sigar.getNetInfo().getDefaultGateway();
public static void newMetricThread() throws SigarException, InterruptedException {
while (true) {
Long[] m = getMetric();
long totalrx = m[0];
long totaltx = m[1];
System.out.print("totalrx(download): ");
System.out.println("\t" + Sigar.formatSize(totalrx));
System.out.print("totaltx(upload): ");
System.out.println("\t" + Sigar.formatSize(totaltx));
public static Long[] getMetric() throws SigarException {
for (String ni : sigar.getNetInterfaceList()) {
// System.out.println(ni);
NetInterfaceStat netStat = sigar.getNetInterfaceStat(ni);
NetInterfaceConfig ifConfig = sigar.getNetInterfaceConfig(ni);
String hwaddr = null;
if (!NetFlags.NULL_HWADDR.equals(ifConfig.getHwaddr())) {
hwaddr = ifConfig.getHwaddr();
if (hwaddr != null) {
long rxCurrenttmp = netStat.getRxBytes();
saveChange(rxCurrentMap, rxChangeMap, hwaddr, rxCurrenttmp, ni);
long txCurrenttmp = netStat.getTxBytes();
saveChange(txCurrentMap, txChangeMap, hwaddr, txCurrenttmp, ni);
long totalrx = getMetricData(rxChangeMap);
long totaltx = getMetricData(txChangeMap);
for (List<Long> l : rxChangeMap.values())
for (List<Long> l : txChangeMap.values())
return new Long[] { totalrx, totaltx };
private static long getMetricData(Map<String, List<Long>> rxChangeMap) {
long total = 0;
for (Entry<String, List<Long>> entry : rxChangeMap.entrySet()) {
int average = 0;
for (Long l : entry.getValue()) {
average += l;
total += average / entry.getValue().size();
return total;
private static void saveChange(Map<String, Long> currentMap,
Map<String, List<Long>> changeMap, String hwaddr, long current,
String ni) {
Long oldCurrent = currentMap.get(ni);
if (oldCurrent != null) {
List<Long> list = changeMap.get(hwaddr);
if (list == null) {
list = new LinkedList<Long>();
changeMap.put(hwaddr, list);
list.add((current - oldCurrent));
currentMap.put(ni, current);