
Position calculation of small model of a car using Accelerometer + Gyroscope

I wish to calculate position of a small remote controlled car (relative to starting position). The car moves on a flat surface for example: a room floor. Now, I am using an accelerometer and a gyroscope. To be precise this board --> http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9623

As a first step I just took the accelerometer data in x and y axes (since car moves on a surface) and double integrated the data to get position. The formulae I used were:

vel_new = vel_old + ( acc_old + ( (acc_new - acc_old ) / 2.0 ) ) * SAMPLING_TIME;
pos_new = pos_old + ( vel_old + ( (vel_new - vel_old ) / 2.0 ) ) * SAMPLING_TIME;
vel_old = vel_new;
pos_old = pos_new;
acc_new = measured value from accelerometer

The above formulae are based on this document: http://perso-etis.ensea.fr/~pierandr/cours/M1_SIC/AN3397.pdf

However this is giving horrible error.

After reading other similar questions on this forum, I found out that I need to subtract the component of Gravity from above acceleration values (everytime from acc_new) by using gyroscope somehow. This idea is very well explained in Google Tech Talks video Sensor Fusion on Android Devices: A Revolution in Motion Processing at time 23:49.

Now my problem is how to subtract that gravity component? I get angular velocity from gyroscope. How do I convert it into acceleration so that I can subtract it from the output of accelerometer?


  • It won't work, these sensors are not accurate enough to calculate the position.

    The reason is also explained in the video you are referring to.

    The best you could do is to get the velocity based on the rpm of the wheels. If you also know the heading that belongs to the velocity, you can integrate the velocity to get position. Far from perfect but it should give you a reasonable estimate of the position.

    I do not know how you could get the heading of the car, it depends on the hardware you have.