
Notifications when using Drupal with Zen 7.x-3.x and CTI Flex 7.x-1.0

I get the following notification on many pages:

Notice: Undefined variable: jump_link_target in include() (line 74 of /Users/peter/dev/eyestreet.com/drupal/sites/default/themes/cti_flex/templates/html.tpl.php).


  • The CTI Flex author is still working on compatibility with Zen 7.x - 3.x. See http://drupal.org/node/1590214. In the mean time, this hack seems to work:

    Duplicate the line starting with settings[zen_jump_link_target] and change it to settings[zen_skip_link_anchor].

    In themes/cti_flex/templates/html.tpl.php, replace $jump_link_target with $skip_link_anchor.