I am using the query function in cake PHP ($this->query(select...)), and I know it returns an array of the values. If the query will only return one value, what is the position of that value in the array?
Would $element = $arrayName(0) be correct?
I'm trying to use it as such:
$flowsheet_name = $this->query("select FLOWSHEET_NAME from FLOWSHEET_TEMPLATE where FLOWSHEET_ID = ".$value.";");
$flowsheet_question = $flowsheet_name(0);
array_push($this->$filedMethodMappings, $flowsheet_question => array(
CaBase::KEY_FIELD_LOGIC_NAME => 'wsUnifiedKey',
CaBase::KEY_FIELD_QUESTION_ID => ''.$value,
But I can't tell if it's working. I'm getting a double arrow error here:
$flowsheet_question => array(
In CakePHP, easy way to see what is going on in your array is: