I implemented Adwhirl into my new universal app. And was able to get the admob adapter running for Ipad... With help form this great answer...
Now I am stuck implementing InMobi.
I try to change the get ad function but it does not seem to work for me:
IMAdView *inMobiView;
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
CGRect adFrame;
adFrame.size = CGSizeMake(728,90);
inMobiView = [[IMAdView alloc]
imAppId:[self siteId]
rootViewController:[self rootViewControllerForAd]];
} else {
inMobiView = [[IMAdView alloc]
imAppId:[self siteId]
rootViewController:[self rootViewControllerForAd]];
inMobiView.refreshInterval = REFRESH_INTERVAL_OFF;
inMobiView.delegate = self;
self.adNetworkView = [inMobiView autorelease];
Can you see what I am doing wrong?
Thank you very much for your help.
Since you've turned "off" the refresh interval, IMAdView does not load ad requests by itself. As per the InMobi & AdWhirl documentation, you just need to add one more line before calling autorelease on inmobiView:
[inmobiView loadIMAdRequest]; Calling this method will trigger an ad-request immediately, and you can also pass additional parameters by passing an optional IMAdRequest instance.
IMAdRequest *request = [IMAdRequest request]; //assign optional parameters if required. . . . [inmobiView loadIMAdRequest:request];