Salvete! When we set up the file-uploading control called "NeatUpload", it saves its files to a temporary location, either "YOUR_APP_ROOT /app_data/NeatUpload_Temp/", if the directory is writable, or to the system's temp folder. However, the demo does not seem to actually upload any files, nor does it include an example for saving the files to a particular directory.
How do we save the file we have uploaded and move the uploaded file to a particular folder? My only clue from the documentation is that it has to do with UploadStorageProvider
, but I need some help to implement this.
if you read the documentation 3.3 point 6 :
In your codebehind file, process the uploaded file. If you are using the InputFile control, the uploaded file's client-specified name, MIME type, and contents can be accessed via inputFileId.FileName, inputFileId.ContentType, and inputFileId .FileContent, respectively.
If you want to keep the uploaded file, you must use the inputFileId.MoveTo()method to move the uploaded file to a permanent location. If you do not, NeatUpload will automatically remove the uploaded file at the end of the requestto ensure that unwanted files do not fill up the filesystem. The following code will put the uploaded file in the application's root directory (assuming sufficient permissions):
and so on. I hope this is what you are after.