
Inaccessible object when compiling code

I want to compile the Rigi source code but I get some error while compiling:

adt/object.h: At global scope:
adt/object.h:35:18: error: ‘class RigiObject RigiObject::RigiObject’ is inaccessible
adt/chararray.h:51:13: error: within this context
make: *** [cl_arcflags.o] Error 1

Here our two files. object.h:

#ifndef OBJECTH
#define OBJECTH 1

#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef STREAM_H
#include <iostream>
#ifndef __STRING_H
#include <string.h>
#ifndef __STDLIB_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _CCHEADER_H_
#include "CCheader.h"

extern char* indent_line(int);

class RigiObject;
typedef RigiObject* ObjectPtr;

#define Oberr(a) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR :: Generic Object Routine Called :: %s\n","a");

class RigiObject {
    RigiObject() {/*Oberr(RigiObject)*/;}
    ~RigiObject() {/*Oberr(~RigiObject)*/;}  

    // Routines that are really described by the Derived Classes
    virtual int Printout(int)  const
      {Oberr(printout); return (int) 0;}
    virtual unsigned int Hash() const  
      {Oberr(hash); return (unsigned int) 0; }
    virtual RigiBool isEqual(void* a) const
      {Oberr(isEqual); a = NIL; 
           (void) abort();
       return (RigiBool) RigiFalse;}  
    virtual void Delete_class(ObjectPtr) 
    virtual void* Create_class();
    virtual void* Duplicate_class();



and chararray.h:


#include "array.h"
#include "chartype.h"

class CharArray;
typedef CharArray* CharArrayPtr;

class CharArray : public Array {
    int slot;
   // Routines to initialize and destroy the class.
    CharArray(unsigned int size = CLTN_DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
    CharArray(const CharArray&);

    // Functions that are Required to Use this Class as an Object

        // .... all routines the same as in Class Array.......

   // Routines that are required by a Collection class and derived classes
   // of Collections. [See Array Class for these routines.]

    virtual unsigned int size() const {return slot;}

        // .... all routines the same as in Class Array.......

   // Routines specific to this class
    void operator=(const CharArray&);
    RigiBool operator==(const CharArray&) const;
    void Create(char*);
    void Create(char*,int);
    void Create(int, char*);
    void Add(char*);
    void Add(CharType&);
    void Addob(RigiObject& ob)  
    void Append(char*);
    char* Concat(char);
    int FindIndex(char*);
    char* Remove() 
        {return ((CharTypePtr)Array::Remove(--slot))->string();}
    ObjectPtr Pop()
        {return (Array::Remove(--slot));}
    ObjectPtr Look(int i)
        {return (Array::At(i));}
    void Empty();
    virtual unsigned int Size() const
        {return slot;}
    char* Peek();
    char* At(int);


What's wrong with the code?


  • The types RigiBool, RigiObject and ObjPtr are not available in chararray.h: you need to include object.h (plus whatever else defines RigiBool if CCHeader.h doesn't) -- similarly for RigiBool and RigiFalse in object.h

    // somewhere at the top of chararray.h
    #include "object.h"

    Note: if you define virtual member functions in RigiObject, you should declare the destructor virtual as well

    Note: You already have include guards in the #included headers, no need to put them around the #include directives -- doing otherwise indicates (falsely in your case) that you are doing conditional compiling

    #ifndef CHARARRAYH  
    #define CHARARRAYH  
    #include "array.h"  
    #include "chartype.h"  
    #ifndef OBJECTH   
    #define OBJECTH
    #include <stdio.h>   
    #include <iostream>   
    #include <string.h>   
    #include <stdlib.h>   
    #include "CCheader.h"   