Lately, I'v been struggling with an annoying situation on ASP.NET MVC. Here's the story in short,
I'm supposed to have a view that lists all of the products; now because those products are too many, I'm paging them (very innovative heh!). The page contains two paging arrows -"Next 10 products", "and previous 10 products". The view is passed a IEnumerable<Product>
collection containing the list of products to be displayed. The view is also passed two integers (currentPage, totalPages) as ViewData items. Now what I need to accomplish is to check if it's the first page (ViewData["CurrentPage"] == 0) I should change the css class of the "previous 10 pages" link to disabled, so I came up with something like the following
<a href="/Products/Page<%=Html.Encode(Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["CurrentPage"])-1)%>/"
class="<%=Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["CurrentPage"]) <= 1 ? "bgn disabled" : ""%>">
previous 10 products
This worked fine, still there's a problem. Though the link is disabled, or specifically grayed, it still points to a valid URL, so I tried to actually change the href attribute of the link based on the CurrentPage variable. Here's how the code looks like (get ready to the pure ugliness):
<a href="<%=Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["CurrentPage"]) <= 0 ?
"javascript:void[]" :
"/products/Page<%=Html.Encode(Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["CurrentPage"])+1)%>/" %>"
class="<%=Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["CurrentPage"]) <= 0 ?
"bgn disabled" :
previous 10 products
Now, my problems with this code are:
Any better alternatives guys?
You can use an if
<% if (Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["CurrentPage"]) <= 0) { %>
Disabled template goes here...
<% } else { %>
Link template goes here...
<% } %>
By the way, if you're doing this for a set of pages, you can encapsulate it in a ViewUserControl
or a ViewMasterPage