Excuse if this is more a file format conversion question rather than programming, but I can't find anyone who can help extract the embedded .bdf (bio signals format) data from this .set file
Which seems from the header to have been generated from MATLAB 5.
I've asked colleagues at San Diego Supercomputing Center and CALIT2 but no luck yet. Can someone somewhere in the world figure it out?
That looks like an EEGLAB dataset file, which is simply a regular MAT-file with a structure variable stored inside. This structure contains various info about the biosignals.
You could manually load the data using LOAD function, or use the provided GUI to open the dataset.
>> load Target_1.set -mat
>> EEG
setname: 'Target_1'
filename: 'Target_1.set'
filepath: '/home/julie/FiveBox_JO'
subject: ''
group: ''
condition: ''
session: []
comments: [1x803 char]
nbchan: 238
trials: 1
pnts: 99129
srate: 256
xmin: 0
xmax: 387.22
times: []
data: [238x99129 single]
icaact: []
icawinv: [238x238 double]
icasphere: [238x238 double]
icaweights: [238x238 double]
icachansind: [1x238 double]
chanlocs: [1x238 struct]
urchanlocs: []
chaninfo: [1x1 struct]
ref: 'common'
event: [1x616 struct]
urevent: [1x18879 struct]
eventdescription: {'' '' '' ''}
epoch: []
epochdescription: {}
reject: [1x1 struct]
stats: [1x1 struct]
specdata: []
specicaact: []
splinefile: ''
icasplinefile: ''
dipfit: [1x1 struct]
history: [1x1022 char]
saved: 'yes'
etc: []