
Listings in Latex with UTF-8 (or at least german umlauts)

Trying to include a source-file into my latex document using the listings package, i got problems with german umlauts inside of the comments in the code. Using


Umlauts in the source files (encoded in UTF-8 without BOM) are processed, but they are somehow moved to the beginning of the word they are contained in. So

// die Größe muss berücksichtigt werden

in the input source file, becomes

// die ößGre muss übercksichtigt werden

in the output file.

NOTE: since i found errors in my initial setup, i heavily edited this question


  • ok, found kinda workaround now:

    1. instead of listings package, use listingsutf8


    2. copy listings.sty to the folder the document resides

    3. find the following lines

          \lst@ProcessOther {"23}\#
          \lst@ProcessOther {"25}\%
          \lst@ProcessOther {"26}\&
    4. Enter there the following lines (each "registers" one umlaut)

    5. Save the file

    6. Use


    to enable utf8 character to latin1 character mapping

    1. Convert line endings of your source file from windows (\r\n) to unix (\n)
    2. enjoy

    I know this is ugly in many way, but its the only solution that works for me so far.