
Is XFBML being Deprecated?

According to Facebook, FBML has been deprecated and will be removed on July 5th 2012, as quoted here.

This is not a duplicate of this question as I am referring to XFBML not FBML.

My question is quite simple, as a result of FBML being deprecated, does this mean that XFBML is also being deprecated?

I am asking this because I am using plugins such as the comments Social Plugin and this uses a mixture of XFBML and iframes. Should I change all these plugins to use iframes or HTML5 instead? Or is XFBML not related to FBML?

Thanks in advance


  • Well, xfbml is more like HTML + FBMl

    XFBML can still be rendered using the Facebook Javascript API, so it's not as bad an idea to use XFBML, but still not the best idea.

    Regular HTMl and javascript combined with the Facebook Javascript API can do everything XFBML can do, and it can do it more cleanly.


    Please Note: Our deprecation of FBML does not impact XFBML (eXtended Facebook Markup Language). XFBML is a set of XML elements that can be included in your HTML pages to display Social Plugins. When your page is loaded, any XFBML elements found in the document are processed by the JavaScript SDK, resulting in the appropriate plugin being rendered on your page. The JavaScript SDK will continue to support XFBML after the deprecation of FBML (save for the fb:serverFbml element which is used to execute FBML on our servers).