I'm trying to update the model.rootLabel of a dijit.Tree using javascript. I set the model like this :
<div data-dojo-id="brandsModel" data-dojo-type="dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel"
rootLabel="Brands (15)"
data-dojo-props="store:myStore, query:{}">
For updating the tree I have extended it like this (this code also works with DND in the tree):
dojo.extend(dijit.Tree, { refreshModel:function() {
this._itemNodesMap = {};
// Collapse root node and set model children to null, so the model
// will fetch again from the datastore when _expandNode() is called
this.model.root.children = null;
// Set root NODE to unchecked so that Tree will fetch from the model again
this.rootNode.state = "UNCHECKED";
//Set _loadFinished to false, so a new fetch is possible
this.model.store._loadFinished = false;
After adding or removing items from the tree I try to also update the counter. I've tried :
tree.model.rootLabel = 'Brands (16)';
tree.model.root.label = 'Brands (16)';
The changes show when debugging with console.debug(tree) but I don't know what to use to actually display the changed label.
the rootnode is not an actual item in the store - and only stuff in the '_itemNodesMap' gets refreshed. you will need to set the rootnode's-labelnode's innerHTML.
tree.rowNode.set("label", "Brands ( " + tree._itemNodesMap.lenght + " )");