I am trying to make a Master perl script calling children perl script and interacting through a pipe.
I have write this code for the master :
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Open3;
my @children;
for my $i ( 0 .. 4 ) {
print "Master: " . $i . ", I summon you\n";
$children[$i] = {};
$children[$i]->{'pid'} = open3( my $CH_IN, my $CH_OUT, my $CH_ERR, 'perl child.pl -i ' . $i );
$children[$i]->{'_STDIN'} = $CH_IN;
$children[$i]->{'_STDOUT'} = $CH_OUT;
$children[$i]->{'_STDERR'} = $CH_ERR;
my $line = readline $children[$i]->{'_STDOUT'};
print $line ;
print "Master: Go fetch me the sacred crown\n";
for my $i ( 0 .. 4 ) {
$children[$i]->{'_STDIN'}->write("fetch the sacred crown\n");
my $line = readline $children[$i]->{'_STDIN'};
print $line ;
print "Master: Thanks. Now die!!!\n";
for my $i ( 0 .. 4 ) {
$children[$i]->{'_STDIN'}->write("die !!\n");
my $line = readline $children[$i]->{'_STDIN'};
print $line ;
And this one for the child :
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Getopt::Long ;
my $cmdline_id ;
GetOptions ('i=s' => \$cmdline_id) ;
my $id = $cmdline_id ;
exit 1 if !defined $id ;
print "I am $id, and I am awaken\n" ;
while(<STDIN>) {
print STDOUT $id . ': Master ask me to ' . $_ ;
if ($_ =~ /exit/oi) {
exit 0 ;
But when I launch the Master he just hung while reading the response from the child.
Any idea about what I did wrong, and why ?
You are suffering from buffering.
Say $|=1
near the beginning of the child process to allow the child to print without waiting for the output buffer to fill up.