
302 Infinite Loop

I have a web application that is stuck in an infinite loop, and I have no idea where to look next. This is an intranet site, so there is no link I can share, but I've listed as many details as I can think of below. I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions. Anyone has.

The details:

If I open my site, it points to Login.aspx and gets stuck in a 302 loop. If I open the site but point to register.aspx, Fiddler shows register.aspx going to Login.aspx which of course redirects to Login.aspx.

What I've done:


  • Found the problem. Found this logic in the MasterPage:

    Dim strPage As String = Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Replace("/", "")
        'Check that user is logged in
        If Not strPage = "Login.aspx" And Not strPage = "Register.aspx" Then
            If Session("intUserId") Is Nothing Then
                Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx", True)
            End If
        End If

    Evidently, strPage does not equal Login.aspx when browsing to Login.aspx on the server.

    I should have cought this when I was investigating it. Thanks Ross for your comment, it helped me to find this!