I am trying to quickly create a mock up app using CODENAME ONE
I am finding the resource editor difficult to understand.
1) I create a form and place a button on it.
2) I created another form with the message "Hellow World"
3) I add an action event to the button on FORM 1 using the resource editor and netbeans opens up with a method implementing that action.
4)Now I wish to write in that method some code to display form2 ("Hello World") . How do i do this?
Q1) How do i refer the object of form2 in this case?
Q2)Also, on the display of form2 , I wish to add a textbox on it. how do i do this using resource editor?
My basic question is how can we reference elements created by resource editor via CODE?
The simplest thing is to set the button as a Command and just select the destination form in the action (notice this will effectively disable the action event).
Alternatively you can call: showForm("formName", null);
from code.
To add elements to an existing form you need to decide where they should be. E.g. the destination form has a Container where you want to place the TextArea?
Just name that Container
in the GUI builder as "MyDestContainer". Now when you want to add the text area you can get a pointer to the Container by using something like:
Container dest = findMyDestContainer(Display.getInstance().getCurrent());