I want to make an Applet that's capable of downloading files to a computer, and then opening them in the associated editor (when the file is saved, it is supposed to be uploaded back again). However, before I spend hours getting it to work, I have to make sure that it is actually manageable (Have done it with a Java Desktop Application just not an Applet).
So I wrote a simple applet that creates a file if it doesn't exist. The app is signed and loads in the browser as it should. The following is written to the screen:
IO Exception: Access is denied
I have labeled the different errors, so I know which one that fails. Below is my applet:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.security.*;
import java.io.*;
public class DocumentApplet extends JApplet
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2354727776089972258L;
public void start ()
add ( new JButton ("Hello, World") );
AccessControlContext acc = (AccessControlContext) System.getSecurityManager().getSecurityContext();
acc.checkPermission(new FilePermission("test.txt", "write"));
catch (SecurityException e)
add (new JLabel ("Permission Exception: " + e.getMessage()));
File f = AccessController.<File>doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<File>()
public File run()
return new File ("test.txt");
if ( ! f.exists())
catch (AccessControlException e)
add (new JLabel ("Access: " + e.getMessage()));
catch (IOException e)
add ( new JLabel ("IO Exception: " + e.getMessage()));
It is the last exception that is being thrown. Note that the first thing I do, is to check permissions. That check does not fail.
The Applet is self-signed, but this is only temporary. I do not want to spend hundreds of dollars in buying a certificate, if the applet is failing...
When I run the app with appletviewer, the code works. That's OK, but I need to know that it will work when I buy a real certificate.
HTML Code:
<applet code="DocumentApplet" archive="applet.jar" width="300" height="200">
Environment: Windows7 + JDK 1.7.0_05
PS: I have also spent the last two days reading on Stackoverflow and searching Google. I strongly believe I have done everything I am supposed to do...
I have no idea what the reason for this is, but I managed to write to the file successfully by prefixing the filename with:
It was a wild shot, because since the error message told me "Access denied", I thought it was because of the security stuff.
So to all other who may have the same problem: