
Generate javadoc in maven and then upload via scp?

I have Maven javadoc plugin working nicely right now, but I do not know how to add it to the remote directory via scp.

How do I transfer the javadoc files via scp, but AFTER they have been generated? Can this automatically happen when I call site:site?



  • maven-javadoc-plugin doesn't attach to any phase/goal by default, you need configure it manually in pom.xml.

    See Generate Javadocs As Part Of Project Reports:

    To generate javadocs as part of the site generation, you should add the Javadoc Plugin in the section of your pom:


    When you execute mvn site, the javadocs will be generated and included in the generated site. A link to the javadocs will be added in the Project Reports menu.

    Alternatively, if you use maven-release-plugin, javadoc generation (and upload) is automatically handled by default, see here:

    The following delvierables are created and deployed to local and remoted repositories after the execution of the release:perform goal has finished.

    • artifact id-version.jar
      The binaries for the current release of the project.

    • artifact id-version-javadoc.jar
      The javadoc explaining the current functionality of the classes within the current release.

    • artifact id-version-source.jar
      The source code revisions used to build the current release of the project.

    • artifact id-version.pom
      The contents of the pom.xml file used to create the current release of the project.

    If you want to attach javadoc generation to some phase/goal other than site, check out How to deploy Javadoc jar file?