My question is more geared towards approach than it is programming or errors.
I have a query that runs and gathers a set of data. I then want to use that query's return values to build a table on a page listing all the values. Along with that I need to have some actions with each value for example:
my_val (edit) (delete)
my_cal (edit) (delete)
Where edit and delete are buttons. So the edit button I have working with onClick javascript, where i'm redirected to another page, but the delete button i need that to do three things:
Is there a best approach model for this? Is it easier to call two inline javascript commands? Use javascript functions? Maybe a ColdFusion function?
any pointers would be helpful! thanks.
I think the easiest way for the delete is something like this. I do assume you use jQuery or some other library or get the JavaScript stuff.
<cfif structKeyExists(URL, "Action") and URL.Action eq "delete">
// delete the item using the id provided
<cfquery name="GetFresh">
// get fresh info
<cfloop query="GetFresh">
Something <span class='DeleteLink' data-someid='#SomeID#'>delete</span> <br>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$DeleteLinks = $("span.DeleteLink");
$ {
var Confirm = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');
if (Confirm == true) {
var SomeID = $(this).data("someid");
var URL = "YourPage.cfm?Action=delete&SomeID=" + SomeID;
window.location = URL;