I would like to know, which code is compiled when i build the project in Objective-C - every single line of code in my project, or only those, that are called from the main.c and then from the ones that are called from them?
I mean, does the compiler separate the project to the simply connected domains and compiles the one that is linked to the main, or it just compiles it all?
The compiler does not perform semantical analysis on your code. It compiles exactly what you tell it to compile -- Xcode generally invokes the compiler in a way that it compiles every file into your application. However, it's unnecessary to compile/link the files from which no classes/functions are used; although not compiling files from which you use classes/functions results in a linkage error (that is, the compiler won't be able to find some symbols in the binary file while putting together the object code for the final executable).