
How to replace <key, value> in a std multimap

Rehrasing the question - Question rephrased - I have a requirement where I need to replace a pair with a new key and value. Consider this -

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string> mymap;

    mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(0, "A1"));
    mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(0, "A2"));
    mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(2, "C1"));
    mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(2, "C2"));
    mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(1, "B1"));
    mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(1, "B2"));
    mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(1, "B3"));

    std::pair<std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::iterator, std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::iterator> pr = mymap.equal_range(1);

    std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::iterator it;
    for (it=pr.first; it!=pr.second; ++it)
        unsigned int key = it->first;
    key = key+10;

        std::string val = it->second;
        val = "X" + val;
        mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(key, val));


    for ( it=mymap.begin() ; it != mymap.end(); it++ )
        cout << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second << endl;

    return 0;


The program crashes on visual studio 2008 since the iterator is invalidated.

I expect it to be:

0 => A1
0 => A2
2 => C1
2 => C2
11 => XB1
11 => XB2
11 => XB3

The idea is I want to replace an existing entry in the map with a new entry.

What am I doing wrong? Any help very much appreciated.


  • The trick is to advance the iterator first, then erase a copy of the iterator.

    std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::iterator it = pr.first;
    while (it != pr.second)
        unsigned int key = it->first;
        key = key+10;
        std::string val = it->second;
        val = "X" + val;
        std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::iterator itCopy = it;
        mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(key, val));

    In C++11, you can do this:

    std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::iterator it = pr.first;
    while (it != pr.second)
        unsigned int key = it->first;
        key = key+10;
        std::string val = it->second;
        val = "X" + val;
        it = mymap.erase(it);
        mymap.insert(std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string>::value_type(key, val));

    By the way, because this code is increasing the key each time, it will process every element over and over again.