I have a PowerShell function where I'm getting a strange parsing error (it won't compile, both PowerGUI (the editor I use), and PowerShell (when I try to Import-Module)), give me a Parsing error.
Here's a link to pastebin with my code: My Function @ Pastebin
Here's a link to a picture showing the parsing-error-message: Error message @ Imgur
Anyone familiar with this parsing error? I tried deleting the Write-Verbose
statements it complained about, but that didn't help any, it just jumped to the next one, even if it was inside a completely different codeblock. (E.G. Process{...}
vs End{...}
You're missing a backtick before on the quote before 'Any Errors' on line 161:
Write-Error "`"Could not connect to remote computer $server!`"`n`t`t`t`t`t`t`t`t "Any errors on line 109 relates to this fact.`""
Should be:
Write-Error "`"Could not connect to remote computer $server!`"`n`t`t`t`t`t`t`t`t `"Any errors on line 109 relates to this fact.`""
That caused some mismatched quotes which then caused the last quote in your script, i.e. the one at the end of "Returning Hashtable..." on line 247, to throw an error.