
How to store CFBitVector (or any CFType) in Core Data using CFData/NSData?

I have limited experience working with the Core Foundation types & collections, so apologies if this is obvious.

I'm using the CFBitVector type to store some bit sequences, and I need to store it in a binary data format (so that it can be added to a Core Data store). The most sensible thing seems to be to store this in a CFData type, which can be toll-free bridged with an NSData and added to the store, but I am unsure of how to do this.

Can anybody help me out with a simple example of storing CFTypes in CF/NSData?


Is this even the right approach? Should I try converting the CFBitVector into a series of ints which can then be stored in the data model? Or perhaps a transformable attribute?


  • The way I ended up doing this was to roll my own attribute transformer in order to convert a CFBitVectorRef into an NSData instance. The benefit of this is that I can really cram the bit array tightly into a block of binary data, as in my case I really need to keep the storage size to a minimum.

    Below is the implementation of my CFBitVectorTransformer class. It essentially reads each bit and packs them into unsigned chars ("segments" in the code below), which are then appended to a mutable NSData buffer. The code would work with types larger than unsigned chars, however I wanted the smallest chunks possible in order to really minimise the size of the resulting data.

    #define kBitsPerByte    8
    @implementation CFBitVectorTransformer
    + (Class)transformedValueClass
        return [NSData class];
    + (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation
        return YES;
    /* CFBitVectorRef -> NSData */
    - (id)transformedValue:(id)value
        if (!value) return nil;
        if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) return value;
        /* Prepare the bit vector. */
        CFBitVectorRef bitVector = (__bridge CFBitVectorRef)value;
        CFIndex bitVectorCount = CFBitVectorGetCount(bitVector);
        /* Prepare the data buffer. */
        NSMutableData *bitData = [NSMutableData data];
        unsigned char bitVectorSegment = 0;
        NSUInteger bytesPerSegment = sizeof(char);
        NSUInteger bitsPerSegment = bytesPerSegment * kBitsPerByte;
        for (CFIndex bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < bitVectorCount; bitIndex++) {
            /* Shift the bit into the segment the appropriate number of places. */
            CFBit bit = CFBitVectorGetBitAtIndex(bitVector, bitIndex);
            int segmentShift = bitIndex % bitsPerSegment;
            bitVectorSegment |= bit << segmentShift;
            /* If this is the last bit we can squeeze into the segment, or it's the final bit, append the segment to the data buffer. */
            if (segmentShift == bitsPerSegment - 1 || bitIndex == bitVectorCount - 1) {
                [bitData appendBytes:&bitVectorSegment length:bytesPerSegment];
                bitVectorSegment = 0;
        return [NSData dataWithData:bitData];
    /* NSData -> CFBitVectorRef */
    - (id)reverseTransformedValue:(id)value
        if (!value) return NULL;
        if (![value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) return NULL;
        /* Prepare the data buffer. */
        NSData *bitData = (NSData *)value;
        char *bitVectorSegments = (char *)[bitData bytes];
        NSUInteger bitDataLength = [bitData length];
        /* Prepare the bit vector. */
        CFIndex bitVectorCapacity = bitDataLength * kBitsPerByte;
        CFMutableBitVectorRef bitVector = CFBitVectorCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, bitVectorCapacity);
        CFBitVectorSetCount(bitVector, bitVectorCapacity);
        for (NSUInteger byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < bitDataLength; byteIndex++) {
            unsigned char bitVectorSegment = bitVectorSegments[byteIndex];
            /* Store each bit of this byte in the bit vector. */
            for (NSUInteger bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < kBitsPerByte; bitIndex++) {
                CFBit bit = bitVectorSegment & 1 << bitIndex;
                CFIndex bitVectorBitIndex = (byteIndex * kBitsPerByte) + bitIndex;
                CFBitVectorSetBitAtIndex(bitVector, bitVectorBitIndex, bit);
        return (__bridge_transfer id)bitVector;

    This nicely abstracts the conversion of data, allowing you to just set the CFBitVectorRef as an attribute in the data model, and should be plenty fast enough for most purposes.

    I hope this helps somebody else in a similar situation.