
Different languages for devkitPPC (Wii) development

devkitpro has been pretty great for development so far. However, I was wondering if there were any other libraries, either independent or based on devkitpro, that would incorporate other languages for me to explore

Thanks in advance!


  • wii.py: Python extension for Wii. Unfortunately lacking sufficient documentation (like most open-source community projects), but still functional nonetheless.

    Reference: https://github.com/icefire/Wii.py

    luafwii: Lua player for Wii. Since it's Lua, this is best suited for projects that involve a C base but incorporate plugins or scripts on top. Although Lua includes a built-in garbage collector, this library also includes explicit freeing for images and sounds.

    Reference: http://luafwii.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

    Enjoy and good luck!