I understand I am meant to use Ditto to do this but am unsure where to go from there.
Currently, I have a Template with all my TVs on it along with several pages using the template that are stored under a parent. The Ditto code I am using is:
[!Ditto? &parents=`173`&orderBy=`createdon ASC` &tpl=`showtemp` &display=`100` &total=`100`!]
However, when I view the page I get the error:
&tpl either does not contain any placeholders or is an invalid chunk name, code block, or filename. Please check it.
My chucnk ('showtemp') looks like:
<div class="showmedia">
<div class="showright">
As far as the set up goes I am not sure if I am going about it right.
Do I make a Chunk as if it were a normal template with TVs, then replicate it as a proper template, create the resources and go from there?
If someone could give me a step by step on how to do this correctly I would be very grateful! Thanks
You're getting that error message because your placeholder syntax is incorrect in this context.
is correct for displaying the current resource's TVs, but in a chunk to be used within a snippet loop such as in Ditto you need to format them as placeholders like this: [+templateVariable+]
I would recommend going through each step in the following tutorial, it will help you understand all the MODX fundamentals: