
Convert Hex to Decimal when no datatype can hold the full number

I am working with a PIC microprocessor, in C. It's a 16F, so it can't hold integers larger than 32bits (unsigned int32 is the largest datasize available)

From a reader, I receive a 5 byte ID code. To transmit it, I have to encoded to BCD, digit by digit. I can't sprint it to a string, as it is larger that the data size, and can't process it. I can't divide it because no operation is defined for it.

I can't figure out any solution possible, does anyone have dealt with this before?


I receive the number in a series of 5 bytes:


I need to convert it to decimal


(13 digits, length of 256^5 in decimal) to send it through RS232. The second function (Take the ASCII, and send it) I already have it working, but I need the string representation of the full number before I can do anything with it.


  • Assuming you have 32 bit arithmetic: 2**24 = 16777216, so taking x as the most significant 2 bytes and y as the least significant 3:

      (16777216 * x + y) / 1000 
    = (16777000 * x + 216 * x + y) / 1000
    = 16777 * x + (216 * x + y) / 1000

    The first term can be calculated in 32 bits without overflow (since x < 2**16). The second term can also be calculated without overflow (since x < 2**16 and y < 2**24).

    This is basically long division in base 2**24 of a 2-digit value, but with terms pre-calculated knowing that the divisor is 1000. One thousand is chosen because it's the least power of 10 greater than 2**8.

    So, first compute the lowest three digits, use the fact that (2**32) % 1000 == 296. So this time we'll take x as the highest byte and y as the low 4 bytes

    ((2**32) * x + y) % 1000 = ((2**32) * x) % 1000 + y % 1000 (modulo 1000)
                             = (296 * x) % 1000 + y % 1000     (modulo 1000)
    ((2**32) * x + y) % 1000 = ((296 * x) % 1000 + y % 1000) % 1000

    Then divide the original number by 1000 using the formula above. Then you're safely into 32 bit territory and can churn out the remaining digits using the normal loop.

    Btw, I'd check the results if I were you: I haven't tested this and it's possible I've made an error somewhere. It should be easy to compare against the results of bcd conversions done using the usual means in a 64-bit integer on a PC.