In a .bat file I'm executing a compiler with the line
cl -GL -Od -Zi <all .h files> <all .c files>
but I don't know how to reference all .c and .h files in that manner. I was thinking */.c and */.h, but both of those are invalid arguments. Is there any way I could reference all .c and .h files in this manner?
cl doesn't let you do this, but if you want to compile all C files in every folder starting from a certain point, then you can do something like the following.
Note, with those command options you can't pass in a header file either.
@echo off
set USAGE=Usage: %~n0 "C:\Existent Start Dir"
if %1xx == xx ( echo %USAGE% & exit /b 2 )
if not exist "%~1" ( echo %USAGE% & exit /b 1 )
for /r "%~dpn1" %%f in (.) do (
pushd %%f
if exist *.c (
echo *** Compiling C files in %%f ***
call cl -GL -Od -Zi *.c
Test this with:
test.cmd C:\mytest
If C:\mytest contains several folders of simple *.c and *.h files this will work.
test.cmd C:\mytest
You might really be wanting to invoke nmake?