
Visual Studio 2010 text turns blue and red at seemingly random times

Many times a day, on a new work computer, Visual Studio's code window turns red and blue all of a sudden! The problem only goes away if I restart that instance of Visual Studio or re-apply the fonts & colors settings, closing and opening a file/tab doesn't help.

Only the currently visible file gets the glitch at first when it happens, other open tabs generally retain their proper colors until I reopen them or I open new files - which are then shown with the glitched colors. Sometimes certain types of text in other open files turns blue though, like a virus spreading ;)

screen shot of the problem

I'm guessing there's a plugin or a missing hotfix or glitchy graphics driver but I haven't figured out what the problem is yet and it's driving me nuts.

I've had this problem once before but don't recall how I fixed it, it's been a while since then and I have many similar installations since that's not showing this issue.

There's also a Microsoft Connect issue on it that is closed with status "cannot reproduce" - and it's easy for me to reproduce by simply launching IE9. Sometimes, however, the problem appears without me launching IE.

Visual Studio 2010 SP1 on Windows 7 SP1, ReSharper 6.1 and Reflector I've disabled hardware acceleration in VS with no difference, it's an Nvidia Geforce 210 with a dual screen setup with primary screen on the right. Also, the markup shown is not written by me and contains no sensitive information


  • It seems it actually helped to update Nvidias graphics driver, even though it was just a few months old and for quite an old and trusted graphics card. Oh well - now I'm happy that the problem is gone, and upset that it was so easy.