ProGuard defines it's "keep" syntax here.
[@annotationtype] [[!]public|final|abstract|@ ...] [!]interface|class|enum classname
[extends|implements [@annotationtype] classname]
[@annotationtype] [[!]public|private|protected|static|volatile|transient ...] <fields> |
(fieldtype fieldname);
[@annotationtype] [[!]public|private|protected|static|synchronized|native|abstract|strictfp ...] <methods> |
<init>(argumenttype,...) |
classname(argumenttype,...) |
(returntype methodname(argumenttype,...));
[@annotationtype] [[!]public|private|protected|static ... ] *;
Is it possible to keep use generalized modifiers and types?
For example -keep * * my.package.MySomething { *; }
The 1st *
would mean anything from this part: [!]public|final|abstract|@ ...]
, and
the 2nd *
would mean anything from this part: [!]interface|class|enum
In bit more depth, I am trying to generate ProGuard arguments dynamically and I do NOT know whether my.package.MySomething
is an abstract class
or public enum
or anything else.
Is there a way, an option in ProGuard that could help me accomplish this?
The configuration
-keep class my.package.MySomething { *; }
does what you want. You'd only add access modifiers if you'd want to further constrain the matches (e.g. public; or interface instead of class).