
Xinetd obtain remote IP with PHP

Hello I have this service with xinetd:

service MyService 
port = 8881
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = nobody
server = /usr/local/bin/php
server_args = /home/file/public_html/php/port/test1.php
log_on_success + = USERID
log_on_failure + = USERID
disable = no

My File test1.php:

<? php
$handle = fopen ('php :/ / stdin', 'r');
$input = fgets ($ handle);
fclose ($ handle);
echo "Hello {$ input} your IP: $ip";

I can not get the remote ip:


As I can get the remote ip??


  • The solution is modifying the PHP with :


    <? php
    $handle = fopen ('php :/ / stdin', 'r');
    $input = fgets ($ handle);
    fclose ($ handle);
    echo "Hello {$ input} your IP: $IpX";

    Thanks to: Gonzalo Ayuzo