
Topic creation in ActiveMQ This API says that session.createTopic(topicname) is not for creating the physical topic. What does this mean?

If I want one group of user which has authority of "admin" is responsible for creating topics and another group of user which has authority of "write" is responsible for publishing messages to this topic, how can I implement this? It seems that the latter group must also have the authority of "admin" because they have to use this method: session.createTopic(topicname).

How can I separate the "admin" and "write" authority?


  • The JMS api is not for administration, only for using existing topics and queues. In ActiveMQ, default is that the physical queue/topic does is auto-created once needed (someone is sending to it/consuming from it).

    How to create physical objects in a JMS implementation is vendor specific and you should checkout how this is handled in ActiveMQ.

    How this is treated in AMQ