
Using VB for Artificial Intelligence

Do you think VB is a good language for AI? I originally did AI using mainly Lisp and C/C++ when performance was needed, but recently have been doing some VB programming.

VB has the following advantages:

  1. Good debugger (essential!)
  2. Good inspector (watch facility)
  3. Easy syntax (Intellisense comparable to structure editors of late 80's Lisp environments).
  4. Easy to integrate with 3rd party software.
  5. Compiles to fast code (CLR performance pretty good)
  6. Fast development.


  • Which VB are you talking about here? If you're talking VB.NET then yes, and no.. I would suggest C# or maybe F#.. F# is a functional language and hence is generally better suited for many of the patterns you'll be dealing with when programming AI. The newer versions of C# also have support for language features such as lambda expressions, anonymous delagates et al which may also benefit you!