
How to update ez pages meta name in the zen cart?

I am create new Page from EZ Pages of the zen cart and there is some default mata name like

<meta name="keywords" content="Contact Us page of ABC company.LTD">
<meta name="description" content="Contact Us page of ABC company.LTD">

so i want to update it.

Please suggest me how can i update it.

Thanks in advance


  • The simplest way would be to install a plugin available on the Zen Cart site.

    You can always do it the hard way - edit your includes/languages/YOUR_LANGUAGE/meta_tags.php and change the EZ-Page code:

      define('META_TAG_TITLE_EZPAGE_#', '');

    to something like:

      define('META_TAG_DESCRIPTION_EZPAGE_1','My EZ-Page description');
      define('META_TAG_KEYWORDS_EZPAGE_1','some keywords go here');
      define('META_TAG_TITLE_EZPAGE_1', 'This is the page title');

    and do that for EACH EZ-Page individually. Of course, the plugin is a much simpler solution since it gives you user-friendly control from the admin. Don't forget to read the plugin's instructions and backup your site before installing it!